Dear Parents and Carers,
Our newsletter is coming to you today instead of Friday because we moved our Celebration Collective Worship from our usual Friday to today, and we wanted to keep our Superstars a secret until today!
We've had a busy week in school this week! In addition to our usual teaching and learning...
On Wednesday School councillors tasted 3 possible new items on our school dinners menu (Chicken Tikka Wraps were a firm favourite!).
Children from Year 1-6 were invited to audition for parts in this years nativity.
We began our journey to becoming a School of Sanctuary (for more info visit
Pupils in Years 1-6 took part in a special Collective Worship for Peace, and Years 3-6 wrote letters to people with influence asking them to work for peace in our world.
This week's online safety guide for parents is all about Group Chats - what to be aware of and how best to support your child navigate this tricky area of their life.
Mr Elcock (Deputy Head)