Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to all parents who came to our Learning Reviews this week. All teachers enjoyed meeting you, some for the first time, and talking about how we can continue to work together for the benefit of your children.
Visitor at the Cafe!
Mrs Fillan's weekly parent cafe will be hosting Specialist Teacher Nicola Weston from the Local Authority's SCIL Team on Wednesday 29th November. She will be happy to talk to parents about any questions they have to do with special educational needs. Her area of specialism is Communication and Interaction (including Autism), but she also has lots of knowledge about special educational needs in general. She will be arriving at 9am and staying until lunchtime.
Your child should have brought home a letter with upcoming dates for your diary, including Christmas parties and nativity plays.
Please do read the attached guide to keeping children safe when using Snapchat.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Elcock