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About Us



What Do Governors Do?

Governors offer strategic guidance, rather than getting involved in the operational aspects of a school. This involves:

  • Working with other board members to plan the school’s strategic direction.

  • Overseeing the school’s financial performance, ensuring money is well-spent.

  • Holding the headteacher or school leadership to account.

A governor’s relationship with the school’s leadership team involves challenging existing processes to drive school improvement. Governors usually attend around six meetings per year. 

Attendance Log 

  Full Governing Body (FGB) Finance, Staffing & Premises (FSP) Safeguarding Committee  School Improvement Committee (SI)
Name Year 2022-2023 2023- 2024 2022-2023 2023- 2024 2022-2023 2023- 2024 2022-2023 2023- 2024
Paul Urry
8/8 3/6 6/6 7/8 3/3 1/3 6/6 3/5
Joyce Simspon
8/8 3/6 6/6 6/8 3/3 1/3 6/6 3/5
Jimmy Hinton
8/8 3/6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5/6 3/5
Bob Griffiths
5/8 3/6 6/6 7/8 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sue Ingham
6/8 2/6 6/6 6/8 3/3 1/3 N/A N/A
Bolanie Adekunie


(1st meeting as observer)

3/6 N/A N/A 1/6 N/A N/A 2/5  
Ludmila Novosjolova


(1st meeting as observer)

- N/A - N/A - 2/6 -
Nargis Sheen
5/8 2/6 N/A N/A N/A 1/3 1/6 0/5
James Procter


(staff governor unable to attend 2 meetings due to confidentiality)

3/6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5/6 3/5
Gretl Young
5/8 2/6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5/6 1/5
Goodtih White
- 1/4 - N/A - N/A - N/A
Sonia Bentley
3/8 2/6 N/A N/A 1/3 1/3 2/6 3/5
Mary Fillan
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5/5 3/5
Louise Hurley
N/A N/A 6/6 7/8 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Timothy Elcock
N/A N/A N/A N/A 3/3 1/3 N/A N/A
Sohail Mahmood
- N/A - 5/6 - N/A - N/A

St. Stephen’s CE Primary School  - 2023-2024 Academic Year



School Improvement Committee (SIC)

Finance, Staffing & Premises Committee (FSP)

Safeguarding Committee


Thursday 3:00pm

Monday 1:00pm

Wednesday 1:00pm

Friday 10am

 Autumn 1


28 September 2023


2 October 2023


27 September 2023

18 October 2023




13 October 2023







 Autumn 2



7 December 2023


11 December 2023

6 December 2023


19 December 2023











 Spring 1



22 February 2024


19 February 2024


17 January 2024



2 February 2024 








Spring 2



21 March 2024


18 March 2024


27 March 2024











  Summer 1



23 May 2024


20 May 2024


8 May 2024











  Summer 2



18 July 2024


15 July 2024


10 July 2024



21 June 2024


Committee Structure

This section shows you which Governors are on the committees.

Appeals Committee

First 3 appropriate available Governors

Named Governors

  • SEND Gretl Young
  • Safeguarding/Looked After Children Sue Ingham & Sonia Bentley
  • RE & Collective Worship Joyce Simpson
  • Health & Well-being Jimmy Hinton
  • Pupil Premium and Disadvantaged Pupils Jimmy Hinton & Bolanle Adekunle
  • Reading & Writing Joyce Simpson 
  • Parental Engagement Nargis Shaheen
  • Health and Safety Bob Griffiths

Safeguarding Committee

        Chair – Sue Ingham

  • Paul Urry (Head Teacher)
  • Joyce Simpson (Chair of Governors)
  • Sue Ingham (Foundation Governor)
  • Sonia Bentley (Foundation Governor)
  • Nargis Shaheen (Parent Governor)
  • Tim Elcock (Deputy Head & DSL)

Finance, Staffing & Premises

  • Chair – Bob Griffiths
  • Paul Urry (Head Teacher)
  • Joyce Simpson (Chair of Governors)
  • Sue Ingham (Foundation Governor)
  • Bob Griffiths (Foundation Governor)
  • Sohail Mahmood (Bursar)
  • Louise Hurley (School Business Manager)

School Improvement

  • Chair – Joyce Simpson
  • Paul Urry (Head Teacher)
  • Jimmy Hinton (Vice chair of Governors)
  • Sonia Bentley (Foundation Governor)
  • Joyce Simpson (Chair of Governors)
  • Gretl Young (LA Governor)
  • James Procter (Staff Governor)
  • Bola Adekunle (Foundation Governor)
  • Mary Fillan (Senior AHT & SENDCo)

Head Teacher's Performance Management

  • Sue Ingham (Foundation Governor)
  • Sonia Bentley (Foundation Governor)
  • Gretl Young (LA Governor)

Discipline & Grievance Committee

  • Jimmy Hinton (Vice chair of Governors)
  • Bob Griffiths (Foundation Governor)
  • Joyce Simpson (Chair of Governors)
  • Sonia Bentley (Foundation Governor)
  • Gretl Young (LA Governor)
  • Sue Ingham (Foundation Governor)
  • Bolanle Adekunle (Foundation Governor)
  • Nargis Shaheen (Parent Governor)

School Governors

Paul Urry

Category of governor

Head Teacher

The body which appoints you

Full governing body

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on

School Improvement Finance, Staffing and Premises

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body


Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions

Tong Leadership Academy

Joyce Simpson

Category of governor

Foundation Governor

The body which appoints you

The Diocese of Leeds

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on

School Improvement, Finance, Staffing and Premises, Head Teacher’s performance management, Staff/pupil Discipline Committee, RE and Collective worship

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

Chair of the Governing Body

Chair of the School Improvement Committee

Named governor for Pupil Premium

Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions


Jimmy Hinton

Category of governor

Ex Officio

The body which appoints you

The Diocese of Leeds

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on

School Improvement, Head teacher’s performance management

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

Vice Chair FGB (Full Governing Body)

Named governor of GDPR

Declaration of interests

Related to a member of staff.

Governance roles in other educational institutions

St Matthew’s Primary School

Bob Griffiths

Category of governor

Foundation Governor

The body which appoints you

The Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on

FSP (Finance, Staffing & Premises), Disciplinary, Head teacher recruitment

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

Chair of FSP (Finance, Staffing & Premises)

Named governor of Health and Safety

Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions

Immanuel College

Sue Ingham

Category of governor


The body which appoints you

St Stephen’s Parish Church Council

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on

Finance, Staffing and Premises.  Head teacher’s performance management

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

Vice Chair of Finance, Staffing & Premises.

Chair of Safeguarding committee

Named Governor for Safeguarding & SEND

Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions


Sonia Bentley

Category of governor

Foundation Governor

The body which appoints you

St Stephen’s Primary School

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on

School Improvement

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

Named governor attendance and punctuality

Declaration of interests

Employed by a relevant organisation

Governance roles in other educational institutions


Dr Goodith White

Category of governor

Foundation Governor

The body which appoints you

The Diocese of Leeds

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on


Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body


Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions


Gretl Young

Category of governor

LA Governor

The body which appoints you

St Stephen’s Primary School

Term of office (end date)


Names of any committees you serve on

School Improvement

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body


Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions


James Procter

Category of governor

Staff governor

The body which appoints you

St Stephen’s Primary School

Term of office (end-date)


Names of any committees you serve on

School Improvement

Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

No positions of responsibility

Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions


Bolanle Adekunle

Category of governor

Foundation Governor

The body which appoints you

Full Governing Body

Term of office (end-date)


Names of any committees you serve on


Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

Named governor for Pupil Premium and Disadvantaged Pupils.

Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions


Nargis Shaheen

Category of governor

Parent Governor

The body which appoints you

Full Governing Body

Term of office (end-date)


Names of any committees you serve on


Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body


Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions


Ludmila Novosjolova

Category of governor

Foundation Governor

The body which appoints you

Full Governing Body

Term of office (end-date)


Names of any committees you serve on


Details of any positions of responsibility, such as chair or vice-chair of the governing body or a committee of the governing body

Named governor for Parental Engagement 

Declaration of interests


Governance roles in other educational institutions