Parent Information
Year 1 and Year 2 Home Learning 9th January
Year 1
Join us on zoom at 2pm to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Maths -
Reading Eggs -
Log into Little Wandle and practise your phonics
Non-screen activity
Can you draw a dragon and describe it using adjectives?
Remember adjectives are describing words! E.g green body
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning
Year 2
Join us on zoom at 1:30pm to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Maths -
Reading Eggs -
Reading (sound u-e)
Story land - Who is in the Tower ?
Non-screen activity
Recall how animals adapt to their environment. Make a list of animals that live in a cold habitat. Can you remember or research some facts about them?
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning