Parent Information
Nursery/Reception Home Learning 8th January
Join us on zoom at 10am to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Mathematics -
This week we will be learning all about Number One.
We can represent one in many different ways - Lets Have a look at some different ways:
I would like you to look around your house can you find:
1 toy
1 book
1 pillow
1 pencil
1 cup
Send a picture of your own 1 collection of objects for our Proud Wall.
Activity One -
Being active is really important and keeps us healthy, we really enjoy obstacle courses in nursery.
Can you make your own obstacle course with your adult to enjoy at home.
Remember we can move in different ways - jumping, skipping, crawling, running etc.
I wonder what you will make? Enjoy making your fun and safe obstacle course.
Activity Two -
We will be learning all about our homes this half term.
Have a go at drawing a picture of your house.
Can you talk to your adult about your house? Who lives in your house? How many windows do you have?
What is the top of your house called? Do you have a garden?
I would love to see your drawings.
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning
Join us on zoom at 11am to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Log onto Little Wandle and practise your phonics sounds
Maths :
Non screen activity:
Following on from yesterday’s story Rapunzel, can you design a brand-new tower for her? You can draw it or build it using blocks, LEGO, or even recycled materials you find at home. Think about what your tower might look like—will it have big windows, a secret door, or maybe even a garden on the roof?
Can you retell the story of Rapunzel by acting it out with toys, puppets, or even as a role-play. You can use props like a scarf for Rapunzel’s hair or cushions for the tower.
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning