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Aims of Music at St Stephen's

To deliver a rich, varied and engaging music curriculum to all children in our school – one which is accessible to every child, regardless of gender, ethnicity and ability. By the time our children leave our school they should have experienced all the areas of the music curriculum and developed a range of skills to carry forward to their secondary education. It is also hoped that they will have started to develop personal interests within music, which they might carry forward to their adult life, and be able to find some aspects of the subject which give them enjoyment and enrichment for many years to come e.g. singing, playing an instrument or simply listening for pleasure.

Curriculum map


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Two pitch songs.

Rhythm and pulse.

Pitch match the teacher’s pitch.


Dynamics and tempo of songs

Draw a response to a song or piece of music.

Name and use different voices

Use the body to show different pitches and rhythms.

Year 1

Show phrases of songs

Introduction to percussion instruments

Write and perform a visual score

Use the thinking voice.

Introduction to instruments of the orchestra.

Body percussion.

Year  2

Learn handsigns for soh/me

Rhythm notation ta  and te-te

Kodaly handsigns for doh, ray and lah

Writing rhythms using ta, te-te and a rest.

Use instruments to explore and compose using soh / me interval.

Call and response songs

Year 3

Compose and perform 4, 8 and 16 beat rhythms.

4/4 time signature and explore the beat structure.

¾ time signature and explore  the beat structure.

Write own soh me melody on a one line stave.

Improvise a soh / me /lah melody.

Play improvised melodies on tuned percussion. Learn the minim.

Year 4

Conduct in ¾ and 4/4

Class recorder lessons

Class recorder lessons

Class recorder lessons

Class recorder lessons

Sing songs in rounds and canons.

Year 5

Sing songs with ostinatos.

Write melodies on a two line stave.

Read melodies from notation eg s-m-d-s-m.

Pentatonic scale and melodies.

Develop previous melodies as group performance.

Sing songs with several parts and maintain own part.

Year 6

Identify and label song phrases AA. AB etc

Perform pentatonic melodies on tuned percussion.

Research a favourite current artist  and present.

Write a film score for a short animation.

End of year performance songs. Research a music genre and present.

End of year performance to an audience

Half termly curriculum booklet articles

Each half-term, pupils and home are provided with a booklet outlining what pupils are learning, how home can help, useful websites and the vocabulary we will be using. To see the music examples of these, click on the year group below.

Nursery Reception Year 1 Year 2
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Useful websites

Within each of our units of learning, there will be details of websites that can support home and further learning beyond the classroom.

Music Development Plan

Click on the link below to view our music development plan.