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Subject documents

Each subject leader at St Stephen's has written an intent document for their subject.  The structure and purpose of each section are explained below.

These documents are referenced throughout the school development plan, within the intent section of Quality of Education.

Rationale for each section of the documents



Aims of each subject at St Stephen’s

Clear expectations about what makes each subject distinct at St Stephen’s

Professional bodies and pedagogical underpinning of the approach to teaching An approach based on research and updated to include current thinking of specifics relating to each subject.

Curriculum map

Mapped out from nursery to year 6 about coverage for each subject

Foundation Stage

Importantly, we track development and knowledge, skills and vocabulary from nursery and show how we cover those aspects of Early Years expectations

National Curriculum Coverage

A detailed breakdown of each statement within each subject’s national curriculum expectations and when, and how often, each of these are coverage

Strand developments across St Stephen’s

Individual strands of knowledge, skills and understanding are tracked throughout school from Nursery to year 6

Knowledge to be learnt in each unit of learning

Explicit details of the ‘sticky’ knowledge we expect children to retain from each unit of learning

Links to developing English and Maths

Cross curricular links of each subject that show the application of English and maths skills

List of books and resources for each topic available in classrooms


For each unit, details of exactly what resources we have for each unit in each subject. This will support subject leaders’ monitoring of pupil voice.

Assessment statements For each unit, the statements by which we will assess each child. These statements are the starting points of our planning.

Cultural Capital

What does each subject do to enhance how children are to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to enhance their life opportunities

Outdoor Education

Where there are outdoor learning opportunities, how do they support the curriculum

Additional school activities to enhance the curriculum

Beyond the classroom, how do subjects enhance and develop learning opportunities – clubs, visits, visitors, etc

Vocabulary development

For each unit, within each strand how do we progress pupils’ vocab acquisition, knowledge and use?

How subjects supports the promoting of British values

What does each subject do to support any of all of the identified British Values – Democracy, the rule of law, Individual liberty and Mutual Respect & Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs


Half termly curriculum booklet articles

For each half-term for every year group for nursery to year 6, an A4 page outlines what the children are learning, the key vocabulary, how parents can help and useful websites. 

Yearbook pages

This is aimed for September 2022. A yearbook for every child, will outline key learning, reference sheets and records of attainment

Website subject pages

For each unit, a list of useful websites. These are added to the half termly articles as well as our new website


The documents can be downloaded below. Each subject is branded by a colour to distinguish them. If you would like a hardcopy of any document, please email at